The Importance Of Bush Trimming & Pruning


Do you look at your overgrown bushes or shrubs and think that a little extra vegetation is no big deal? Well, the truth is that trimming these plants is a vital landscaping service that improves the health of the plants in your yard. This article will help you understand why you should trim and prune your bushes.

Bush trimming is one of the more dangerous landscaping tasks, and pruning is somewhat ineffective when performed incorrectly. For a professional bush trimming service in Nebraska that you can count on, call Summit Lawns at (402) 413-6622.

The Difference Between Trimming & Pruning

Over the years, people have started using the terms “trimming” and “pruning” interchangeably, but they are actually two different landscaping tasks. The main objective of both tasks is basically the same—keep plants looking great and growing strong. The differences exist mainly in the way each task is performed.


Cutting back largely overgrown vegetation from unruly bushes would be considered trimming. It is easy to see when bushes need to be trimmed because they will start spreading leaves and branches into areas where they are not wanted, such as sidewalks, driveways, flower beds, etc. Trimming typically involves the use of electric or gas-powered equipment that is designed to remove large amounts of vegetation at once.


Though trimming certainly provides health benefits to bushes, pruning is a much more targeted and deliberate way to improve the appearance and health of your plants. Pruning is often performed on bushes, shrubs, ornamental trees, and even flowers. Instead of cutting back large chunks, pruning utilizes manual tools to remove individual branches, twigs, and leaves in order to prevent the spread of disease or decay, as well as to keep your plants nicely shaped.

Benefits Of Trimming & Pruning

Uniform Appearance

bush trimming

Hedges and bushes look great when used for a dividing property line or an eye-catching entrance, but plants on such a public display should always look presentable. Trimming and pruning keep plants tightly shaped and remove unsightly and/or damaged vegetation.

Improved Plant Health

thumbs up shrubs

Fungal infections can develop rapidly in plants, as can the spread of decay. Removing the unwanted and unhealthy parts of your plants prevents the spread of disease. As the unhealthy twigs and leaves are removed, healthy growth can occur in their place. In other words, trimming and pruning do not just preserve the health of your plants; they improve plant health by stimulating stronger growth.

Increased Safety

Heart Lawn

Bushes that protrude out across sidewalks or other walkways can create serious safety concerns. Overgrown bushes could also be hiding any number of dangers that can not easily be seen. Trimming back overgrown bushes will save you time and energy in the long run, and it could even save somebody from a trip to the hospital.

Pest Control

pest control

Plants that have not been properly maintained could be a breeding ground for many insects and other pests. Trimming and pruning increase human activity and decrease clutter while improving plant health, all of which deter unwanted pests.

Higher Property Value

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Nobody wants to move into a home with ugly looking bushes all around it. While this can be remedied by trimming back unruly bushes, there could still be pests, disease, or unhealthy roots to plague your property when it comes time to sell. Proper bush trimming and plant maintenance will give you great looking bushes that only make your property more desirable.

When To Trim & Prune

When it comes to removing damaged and diseased parts of your plants, there is no wrong time to get it done! Infected twigs and leaves quickly spread the infection to healthy parts of the plant, which means that those unhealthy plant parts need to be removed as soon as possible. Cutting away dead and/or dying parts of your bushes is the best way to prevent the damage from spreading, and it will keep your bushes looking lush and green.

Unless you are cutting away dead or sick plant matter, trimming or pruning for aesthetics needs to be done in the proper season. Plants that bloom in spring can be pruned as needed throughout the year, but plants that bloom in summer should be pruned in winter or the following spring. Remember that too much trimming can damage your bushes and prevent healthy new growth, so it is best to limit bush trimming to only a few times per year, with at least a month in between each session.

Heavy pruning of bushes, shrubs, or ornamental trees is often performed in late winter (several weeks before the final frost) when the plants are dormant. Removing dead and dying plant matter at this time of year enables you to clean up your plants before new growth occurs in spring. Once new growth starts, unhealthy twigs and leaves can get buried in the vegetation and become much harder to find. It is always a good idea to have your plants in the best shape possible at the start of a new season.